Infertility, Panic Attacks and Anxiety, Oh My! True Confessions of a Recovering Approval Addict

By Amy Pearson of Hello my name is Amy and I’m an “approval addict,” recovering with the occasional relapse. Confessions of a Gold Star Chaser I’m a Performer. What this means is that for most of my adult life, I’ve been chasing “gold stars” to get other people to approve of me. Not just… Continue reading Infertility, Panic Attacks and Anxiety, Oh My! True Confessions of a Recovering Approval Addict

Whose Life Are You Living Anyway?

by Endorsed Mind-Body Coach CrisMarie Campbell The Pleaser I tend to make choices based on what other people want or think versus what I want or think. I am a pleaser, what the professionals call a “co-dependent” or what Oprah Magazine’s Dr. Martha Beck refers to as an “Approval Whore.”  Once I was even too afraid… Continue reading Whose Life Are You Living Anyway?

Tea with the Monster

by Endorsed Mind-Body Coach, Linda Bayly-Fennell I am a recovering fire fleer. You may be wondering, what’s the problem with that? Aren’t you supposed to flee fires? Seems like a sound thing to do, doesn’t it? But alas I am not speaking of real fires. I’m speaking of emotional feet-to-the-flame kind of fires. Martha Beck… Continue reading Tea with the Monster

Staying Centered in the Midst of Profound Change

By Endorsed Mind-Body Coach Gail Kenny Now that I’m four years into practicing mind-body connection skills on a daily basis, I thought I’d weather major life change and the stress that comes with it with ease. It turns out it’s not that easy. But using mind-body skills is definitely helping. I’d hate to think what… Continue reading Staying Centered in the Midst of Profound Change

The Power of Community and Ceremony

I’ve never been a party girl. I tend toward introversion, and though I love connection, I don’t always love connection in the conventional style. So when I found out I was pregnant, pretty much the last thing I wanted was a traditional baby shower.  I wanted to celebrate the transition into motherhood with something less… Continue reading The Power of Community and Ceremony

What Would Feel Better Now?

By Anamsong Endorsed Mind-Body Coach, Jessica Steward As a solopreneur, it can feel very strange and lonely working for oneself day-in and day-out. We no longer have a source of endless annoyance or inspiration in the form of other people. No one with whom we can brainstorm our brainiest thoughts or off of whom we… Continue reading What Would Feel Better Now?

Pain and the Gift of Love

Before I went through my recent pregnancy and mind-body healing journey, I thought I was kind and loving to myself. Ha ha ha! Oh sorry, I just had to stop and laugh. I seriously thought that – but wow, was I ever delusional! I can’t say that I have loved being in physical pain, but… Continue reading Pain and the Gift of Love

Profound Healing in Mind-Body Connection

by Mind-Body Endorsed Coach, Gail Kenny Many of you are reading this blog because you have experience with chronic pain or you are fascinated with Abigail’s techniques for mind, body, emotion and soul connection, or both!  I’m in both camps.  I came to mind-body connection healing through my long journey with chronic pelvic pain.  I… Continue reading Profound Healing in Mind-Body Connection