Getting to know your body – My Blog My WordPress Blog Thu, 14 Mar 2013 07:00:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Are You Using Your Whole Voice? Thu, 14 Mar 2013 07:00:15 +0000 Continue reading Are You Using Your Whole Voice?]]> by Mind-Body Endorsed Coach, Lorraine Faehndrich

My daughter’s cello’s name is Musica.

During one of her lesson’s that I will never forget, her cello teacher asked her to play a piece with the biggest, loudest sound that Musica could make.

So, she got into position, perfectly placed her bow and then with determination, focus, and all of her strength, she played.

Her efforts resulted in a bigger sound.

Her teacher then asked her to completely relax, to let go, drop the weight of her arm, and without any effort move her bow.

“Let’s hear Musica’s whole voice now!” she said.

Oh my goodness, the sound that came out of that cello just about knocked me off my chair.

It was huge and deep and strong and resonant and soooooo beautiful. I can still feel it now. The whole room was vibrating.

It brought tears to my eyes.

That sound did not come from force,

Or effort,

Or strength,

Or pushing,

Or pressure,

Or struggle,

It came from relaxing and letting go.

My daughter’s teacher is always saying that playing the cello brings you face to face with the greatest mysteries of life.

Like why it is that pushing, struggle and effort are no match for intention, ease, and letting go.

We have this tendency to fear that if we let go of struggle and effort we’ll never get where we want to go, that our lives will fall apart.

But, that never happens.

What does happen is, that when we turn our attention to where we want to go, drop the struggle and effort, and relax into being who and where we are, our full power comes through. Just like Musica’s.

We have more energy and less pain, we feel happier, everything gets easier and mysteriously, more gets done.

We are suddenly playing with our full voice.

And the sound is deep and resonant and beautiful, and just about knocks us off our chairs.

You just can’t force that level of power and beauty. You have to allow it.

This is a mystery I continue to explore every day, in my work, with my health, in my relationships, as a mom… in every aspect of my life.

I invite you to explore it with me.

There is no right or wrong way to do it.

Just allow yourself to explore and observe.

Learning how to be who you are, how to relieve pain, how to create your best life and your most beautiful sound is an art….just like playing an instrument.

I invite you to approach it the same way. With interest, curiosity, and experimentation.

What happens when you push?

What happens to your heart and your body when you’re plowing through your To Do list, struggling against your pain, forcing yourself to do something you think is good for you, or telling yourself that you can’t do it?

What happens when you allow yourself to be where you are and follow your inner flow?

Is there a way you can relax more into yourself and your life today?

How can you take the pressure off of your strings?

It’s really worth investigating because the beautiful resonance of being fully who you are not only benefits you, it is a blessing to everyone around you, and the single most powerful thing you can do to heal the world.

Assuming it actually needs healing. But that’s a mystery to explore another time.

In the meantime, I’d love to hear what you discover about you!

LorraineLorraine Faehndrich is an Endorsed Mind Body Coach and Women’s Health Mentor with over 15 years of experience with mind and body healing. Through her company, Radiant Life Design, she helps women who suffer from Pelvic and Sexual Pain – including Vulvodynia, Vulvar Vestibulitis, and Decreased Sexual Desire – to relieve their pain, increase their pleasure, and reconnect with their soul, so that they can experience radiant health and outrageous joy in their body and in their life!

Lorraine offers classes and private coaching to women all over the world who want to create Pelvic Health and Wellbeing, realign with their purpose and passion, and live the life they truly want to live.

To learn more about Lorraine or to receive a Free Mind Body Alchemy Starter Kit visit


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Ageless Wisdom Thu, 28 Feb 2013 07:00:43 +0000 Continue reading Ageless Wisdom]]> by Endorsed Mind-Body Coach, Deb Droz

The following was written for a friend’s sister who was turning 18.  As I was writing it, I realized I wished someone had done this for me…at 4, 18, or 25 or 38 or 54, and I’m sharing it because I suspect you might wish someone had done the same for you.

These pieces of advice are loving and can lift you up, validate you, help you love your own unique human-ness…and they are things you may not be used to hearing from anyone at any age in your life – not even yourself. 

So be that someone for you.  Get comfy, take a few deep breaths deep into your belly and close your eyes.   Imagine your soul, spirit, or higher wisdom sitting in front of you.  (You can learn more about how to get in touch with your soul in Abigail’s “Hear Your Soul, Heal Yourself” eBook and The Core Anamsong Mind-Body Practice)  Imagine her radiating love to you – feel what that’s like and take it in!  She knows and loves you only because of who you are.  She is ageless (any age) and very wise. 

Imagine her saying these words…

My dearest one,

This is important, but hard to remember in this world we live in, during our busy lives.  Keep this message deep in your heart and pull it out whenever necessary to get back on the path of love for yourself.

Never sell yourself short in any aspect of your life…work, career, relationships, purpose. You are here for a reason, you are here as a gift.  You may not know all the twists and turns of that now, but be curious about it, because as you live your life and look back as you live it, you will see the thread, the sacred thread that is you – and all the meaning there is to your one wonderful life and all the lives you touch at this moment in time.  You are a magnificent woman already…just carry that forward and let it ripen.

Laugh at your mistakes, at your self-perceived failings…they are stepping stones to learning more about the real you and success in your life – as YOU define it!

Let your brain be your friend, but don’t live exclusively there!  Your beautiful brain interprets so many things for you, but it can get a little wild sometimes.  It’s not so great when it’s being its over-critical or over-analyzing self – UNLESS it’s saving you from walking down a dark alley or getting hit by a car! 

Encourage it to love you and support you, to do the things it was meant to do, like help you see, smell, hear, touch, and taste.  It is so, so smart in these ways, letting you taste the sweetness of life in food and drink or the sweaty forehead of a child…delight of the touch of a friend or a lover…relish the beauty of the sounds and sights of nature or a man-made movie…take in the scents of freshly baked bread or a bouquet of roses or glorious fresh air.

Remember, though, that it is your body that is sensing the raw data…the scent, the feel, the taste… 

Let your body be your best friend and your guide, because after all – you live this exciting and mysterious and happy and sad life through that wonderful, delightful, messy body of yours.  Treat it well, nourish it, and rest it.  Your body is the smartest part of you, and it can be great friends with your brain, allowing that brain to interpret your its messages, emotions you are feeling, and your soul’s essence – all of which guide you to live deeply and authentically in this world. 

Listen to your body wisdom, and what it has to say to guide you – and if you do not know how to do that…learn.  It will be the most valuable tool you ever acquire.

Have fun, love fully (especially yourself), follow your path, and relish your brilliance…

Photo by hlkljgk


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