min – My Blog https://abigailsteidley.com My WordPress Blog Thu, 15 Jul 2010 22:09:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 Reconnecting to Your Body https://abigailsteidley.com/reconnecting-to-your-body/ Thu, 15 Jul 2010 22:09:54 +0000 http://www.abigailsteidley.com/?p=1405 Continue reading Reconnecting to Your Body]]> Living in your bodyWhat does it mean to be connected to your body?  How can anyone really be disconnected from her body?  I mean, aren’t we all pretty much stuck in these bodies we’ve got?

Being disconnected simply means your mental awareness is elsewhere.  You’re thinking about your to-do list, the fight you had with your spouse last night, the upcoming in-law visit, the summer camp schedule for your kids…and on and on.

It was a novel idea to me, when I first encountered it, that I could do activities and be aware of my body at the same time.  It was also transformational.

So, that’s your homework assignment for this week.  Instead of telling you all about it, I’m inviting you to try it.

Here’s how you do it:

Start by noticing the sensations in your hands and feet at this moment.  Notice the feeling of air on your skin, the feeling of your feet touching the floor or your shoes, or any other sensations.  You might feel a little tingling or warmth.  Mentally note what it feels like to be so vividly aware of your hands and feet.   This is the feeling of the energy within your body, so connect to it as deeply as possible.

Throughout the week, come back to this feeling in your hands and feet as often as you can.  (Don’t make this into a pressure thing – just do it anywhere from once a day to every hour.  Do what feels right and possible for you right now.)  Then, challenge yourself to feel this feeling in your hands and feet while you are reading a book, watching TV, washing dishes, or doing any task.  Think of this as a fun game, not a pressured task you must do perfectly.  Just play with it.  Be gently inspired to expand your awareness.  Have fun.  See what happens!
