Eckhart Tolle – My Blog My WordPress Blog Thu, 28 May 2015 13:55:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The PMS Advantage Thu, 28 May 2015 13:55:13 +0000 Continue reading The PMS Advantage]]>

In my early twenties, I was new to the self-help genre and had spent most of my formative years trying to be an excellent violinist. When I picked up John Sarno’s The Mindbody Prescription, the personality profile he described fairly smacked me in the face. Perfectionism? Trying to be good all the time? Feeling responsible for everything? I just thought that was how one should live life!

He made me see, however, that the extreme pain I was experiencing from vulvodynia was talking to me. It was time to take stock and change how I was treating myself.

Thus began my self-awareness journey, in which I started to peel back layer after layer of beliefs, patterns, and perceptions, always working to know my true self more and more. The more I did this, the better I felt, in body, mind, and spirit.

Every year of this ongoing journey, I feel more aligned with myself, more confident, stronger, and just – happier.

Except for a few days every month, in which many of my old patterns, issues, and less-than-constructive behaviors rise up and take over, seemingly out of my control.

Yep. PMS.

For a while, I sought help from naturopaths, acupuncturists, nutritionists, doctors, and massage therapists to try to eradicate this monthly craziness. Certainly it helped some, and alleviated a lot of various physical symptoms I had during PMS. Mentally? Well, that’s less predictable. (On the plus side, my husband is still alive, so I retain some control over the crazy, grumpy person who emerges monthly.)

Then, I read Eckhart Tolle’s work and was introduced to the idea of the pain-body. If you haven’t heard of this concept, here’s how Tolle explains it:

“The pain-body is my term for the accumulation of old emotional pain that almost all people carry in their energy field. I see it as a semi-autonomous psychic entity. It consists of negative emotions that were not faced, accepted, and then let go in the moment they arose.”

I can buy that. However, he also suggests that women are more susceptible to being taken over by the pain-body, especially during our cycles.

Normally, I love reading books about spiritual awakening. And I do feel inspired by Tolle’s work.

But, I have a confession. When I first read about this pain-body/PMS thing, I thought, “That….that….that – MAN!” Seriously. It is hard to listen to what any man has to say about my cycle. Does he have hormones doing weird things to him every month? Does he even remotely understand? There he is, all Zen and smug, nattering on about the pain-body. (It is possible that I was in PMS when I first read this pain-body stuff.)

After reading all of that, I decided I would NOT have this ridiculous pain-body thing happen to me every month. I would be sane. I would be relaxed. I would not have a hair-trigger. I would not be grumpy. I would not take every small comment personally, including remarks about the weather. I would prove this Tolle character wrong.

Several years later, I have to admit to absolutely no success. Nada.

Every month, the same thing happens, to varying degrees. PMS emerges, snaking into my everyday experience with a sly, quiet stealth. Then, it pounces.

Let me just say, for a person who loves spiritual awakening, is excited to discover more and more about herself, and would like to become more and more loving, this has been a little frustrating. Or a lot frustrating.

Then, last week, the clouds parted, light shone down from the heavens, and…

Nope, PMS did not disappear. It arrived, on schedule.

However, something pretty miraculous did happen.

As a result of all of the self-kindness practices I’ve been doing for the last several years, I had a huge epiphany.

All this time, I’ve been trying to get rid of PMS, feeling ashamed that I still become so irrational, so awful, so plain – YUCK – every month. I’ve been rejecting that part of myself, over and over again.

I have NOT been practicing self-kindness around PMS.

So, this month, I did. I accepted and allowed the venomous snake to arrive, just like it always does. I did not try to shove it down or ignore it. Instead, I simply observed it. (Remember the spy skills? I used those!) I was kind to myself, not trying to change the fact that I had PMS.

Here’s the funny part. Whenever my “stuff” (thought patterns, behavior patterns, issues, neuroses) shows up, it’s basically a self-growth gold mine. It’s the perfect learning ground. It’s not about shoving that stuff down, pushing it away, or rising above it. It’s about embracing it.

In the depths of every bag of stuff lies treasure.

When I finally allowed myself to be – just be – during PMS, I learned so much about myself. I saw myself more clearly. I discovered new insights. I unravelled the origins of a few old patterns, and felt a bit freer.

I emerged on the other side of the muck feeling…more awake. I see myself more clearly. I feel lighter. I feel more joyful.

I see the cyclical nature of this process, and I am kind of jazzed at the thought that every month I can easily access the “dark side” and emerge with new self-awareness. Any old, stuffed-down emotional sludge that’s ready for release pops right up into my awareness. I’d been tossing aside the most straightforward path to truth and growth.

In the words of  one of my favorite spiritual teachers, Pema Chodron,

“Our neurosis and our wisdom are made out of the same material. If you throw out your neurosis, you also throw out your wisdom.”

It’s possible Eckhart Tolle is right. Maybe we women do experience more pain-body each month. Now, though, I see it as an advantage. Here is your stuff, served up on a silver platter, each month. Easy to see, impossible to hide from, ready to be faced.

Sure, it can be a challenge. It’s not always pleasant. Fun isn’t really the word to describe it. However, if you can see the cyclical nature, it becomes easier. Walk through the swamp, then frolic in the meadow. Over and over again. The best thing is, the meadow becomes a little brighter and sunnier on each round trip.

Back in my twenties, good old John Sarno woke me up to myself. My body healed. My mind flourished. My heart expanded. I set foot on this spiritual awakening path, ready for the adventure. Now, I’m a seasoned traveler, but I learn more each and every day. I learn from every part of me; the yuck and wisdom alike.

P.S. Would you like to learn how to use my most effective mind-body healing tool? You can do just that when you join the Kindness Community!

In June, I’m teaching a class in the community that will show you, step-by-step, how to use my most effective tool for pain-relief. It packs enough punch to be the only tool you really need if you’re trying to heal from a form of Mind Body Syndrome (TMS). Details here!

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Lessons Learned Thu, 01 May 2008 00:22:08 +0000 Continue reading Lessons Learned]]> I’d like to let you know that I am now also writing for Dr. Echenberg’s website, Secret Suffering.  I hope you enjoy the articles as well as the site, which is jam-packed with helpful information.

I often think I’ve thoroughly learned something and then life throws me a new experience that takes me deeper than ever into untapped oceans of understanding and clarity.  Having used deep breathing to move through the excruciating pain of vulvodynia and a kidney stone and interstitial cystitis, I felt I had quite a handle on the whole breathing thing.  I’ve been expounding upon it regularly in my posts, blissfully sharing the amazing effects of breathing.  It reduces anxiety.  It stops panic.  It gives you the ability to reach your inner healer.  It reduces pain.  It needs to be a regular part of your life.  Have I been doing it?  No.

As a person who developed physical pain as a result of much unprocessed emotion, including anxiety and panic, I am fully aware of my tendency toward anxiety.  I tend to slip into it easily, and I tend to store it in my body.  While in physical pain, I learned how to relax and release this anxiety through deep breathing, which I would do for forty-five minutes at a time.  I rose from these sessions invigorated, rested, and joyful.  However, I often find it difficult to fit in forty-five minute sessions in my current life.  So, in my typical fashion, I stopped doing the breathing work at all because I felt that I couldn’t do it “right.” 

Well, thankfully, I am a life coach, so I am always available to coach myself.  I called myself up and said, “Hey Coach, I’m not feeling so great this week.  What should I do?”  My Coach Self spoke right up, surprising Non-Coach Me with an inner wisdom I did not expect.  She said, “Breathe.”  Of course, she’s been reading Eckhart Tolle, so I’m pretty sure she stole that straight from him.  Okay, I know she did.  Tolle suggests taking three deep breaths whenever anxiety arises.  I was in such an emotionally negative place that I didn’t even tell if I was feeling anxiety.  I just knew I felt horrible.  So, I sat down and took three deep breaths. 

Voila!  A revelation!  I have been feeling a nearly constant level of anxiety, and I was not even aware of it.  I realized most of my day is spent with some level of tension somewhere in my body, which is the hallmark of anxiety.  I was astounded at the relaxation power of three deep breaths.  Of course forty-five minutes will relax me, but only three breaths?  Is it really even worth it?  The answer is a resounding yes.  Amazed, I incorporated the three breaths into my daily schedule wherever I could.  It’s like taking a little vacation every hour or so.  Every time I stop and breathe, I discover that I am holding a great deal of tension in my body.  I breathe, release the tension, and relax.  Miraculously, I feel about ten times better after only one day of practicing this technique. 

By skipping my breathing exercises because I believed I wasn’t going to be able to do them “right,” I lost the powerful relaxation tool inherent in breathing.  Truthfully, you don’t even have to take deep breaths.  All you have to do is focus on your breath for three cycles.  It’s the mere attention to your breath that holds the magic.  My body feels lighter, having released anxiety regularly all day, and I feel balanced again.  One minute several times a day is easy to fit in, and I am hooked.  I love feeling relaxed.  I love noticing my anxiety and gently exhaling it away.  I feel deeply connected to my essential self and my Inner Healer.  I invite you to try it.  I invite you to take one-minute vacations all day long, connect with your breath, and discover your own anxiety level.  Anxiety does not have to be a way of life.  This is the lesson I have learned, and now re-learned, and will probably keep on learning.  The simplicity of it is absolutely beautiful.  I love to take the three breaths, feel the relaxation, the connection, and the resulting joy.  Let’s do it together, right now.  Breathe.    



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Pain: The Messenger Mon, 07 Apr 2008 23:48:08 +0000 Continue reading Pain: The Messenger]]> After years of struggling with physical pain and other uncomfortable sensations such as vulvar burning, rawness, and itching, I felt exhausted.  I was so sick of pain I wanted to give up, somehow, or run away.  I longed to jump out of my own skin and just escape.  I was going crazy dealing with the pain, and I really hated it, feared it, and obsessed about it.  My whole life centered around this terrible thing called pain.  (And itching – let’s not forget that.  Anyone who has suffered vestibulitis with itching knows the madness involved in that sensation.)

Instead of going bananas, however, I ended up following my Inner Healer (see previous posts) and discovering an amazing woman named Kathleen (see the Barratt Breathworks link on my blogroll).  I’ve spoken of her before, because she taught me how to elicit a relaxation response from my body and immediately snap out of panic.  Before my first appointment with Kathleen, I had reached the point where I actually wanted to go bananas.  I figured insanity would at least bring with it blessed unawareness and thus relief.  What I didn’t realize was what I really sought was awareness, or consciousness.

Kathleen introduced me to awareness, which I found so inviting I studied it in depth and found an entirely new career as a result.  Awareness is simply the ability to step outside of your own thinking long enough to separate yourself from your thoughts.  Eckhart Tolle discusses this in depth in A New Earth, and this is truly the key to releasing the despair around pain.  The most incredible notion about pain is this: pain is pain.  It is something that occurs in the body, and nothing more.  When we are unaware and involved in our thoughts, we believe many things about pain, such as “pain is horrible, pain is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me, I can’t stand this pain, I can never live a normal life again, my life is ruined,” and on and on.  It’s easy to see, as someone looking at these thoughts rather than believing them, that these thoughts escalate anxiety and panic.

With awareness, you can step away from these thoughts and see pain for what it is.  Pain is a messenger.  It is a way for your body to communicate with you and help you stay alive.  It tells you to remove your hand from the hot stove.  It sends you to the emergency room when you have a severe illness that needs immediate attention.  It lets you know you’ve broken a bone so you can seek a doctor for help.  Pain is on your side.  Hating pain is not helpful at all on the road to healing.  Looking at pain with clear thinking actually invites you to learn about yourself and reach emotional equilibrium.

Once I saw my pain as a messenger, I began to listen to it and question it.  Clearly, it wasn’t there to save me from death, as my condition was not going to kill me.  So I literally asked it why it was in my body, sometimes with a journal in hand and other times while in a relaxed, meditative state.  Every time, it responded with this enigmatic answer: “I am here to teach you.  I will go when you have learned.”  I did not make that up mentally – it simply came to me.  At first, I felt very confused.  Teach me what?  I wanted to learn it quickly, whatever it was, so the pain would go. 

Of course, that was the whole point.  It was there to teach me how to listen to my essential self, my inner healer, and stop resisting everything in my life.  It was there to teach me how to become aware, to see my own thoughts as separate from myself.  It was there to teach me how to follow my North Star and discover my purpose in life.  It was there to teach me how to find joy, calm, peace, and love.  It was there to teach me how to truly feel good, confident, strong, and alive. 

I became so entranced in the learning process I forgot about my teacher.  I ceased to focus on the pain, and my attention turned to the material I was learning.  I fell in love with awareness.  I studied Martha Beck, Dr. Sarno, Pema Chodron, and a host of other writers’ works.  One day, I woke up and realized I hadn’t felt a symptom in months.  Yes, it’s really true.  I actually forgot about my condition and ceased to focus on my symptoms entirely. 

Instead of escaping through unawareness, I lived in my own skin with absolute awareness.  I learned from Pain, my Teacher.  And when I truly understood, my Teacher left, as promised.  Never in my life have I had such an effective learning experience.  I have a PhD in my essential self.  I will never stop studying, because I know I can learn more, always.  And truly, the joy is in the learning.         

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