intuition – My Blog My WordPress Blog Mon, 01 Oct 2018 18:10:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 30 Days of Sacred Dreaming Mon, 01 Oct 2018 18:10:31 +0000 Continue reading 30 Days of Sacred Dreaming]]> A few weeks ago, I planned something incredibly restorative for myself for the month of October. I’m calling it Sacred Dreaming.

Then I thought; why do this by myself? I know many like-minded souls who are fascinated by mind-body magic, want to connect to their intuition and divine guidance even more, and might want to join me.

So….you’re invited! Curious? Check out the video below!


Sacred Dreaming does not involve a major commitment on your part. You can choose how much you do/don’t do along with me. Sacred Dreaming is something I wanted to do for myself and my business as I transition my focus to be even more deeply connected to my own soul-guidance. But, I LOVE connecting to fellow souls interested in the mind-body connection, and I realized Sacred Dreaming may be something that could help you, too!

30 Days of Sacred Dreaming kicks off on October 1st.

If you need some delight, inspiration, refreshing new ideas for your well-being, divine guidance, and radical self-kindness, you will love 30 Days of Sacred Dreaming.

Want to participate and chat about Sacred Dreaming? I’ve started a conversation here in the brand-new Mind-Body Magic Facebook Group. Throughout the 30 Days of Sacred Dreaming, I’m going to share weekly Facebook Live Events about the process on my Facebook Page.

In the group, I’ll post the weekly videos from the Facebook Lives, just in case you couldn’t catch them. I’ll also share other inspirations and ideas that will only be available in the Mind-Body Magic Facebook Group. I’d love to hear how it’s going for you, and what you discover during your Sacred Dreaming!

After the 30 Days of Sacred Dreaming ends, I’ll be in the group talking mind-body magic, creativity, well-being, how to go from tired to energized, and so much more!

Why You’re Ready to Help Others Heal Thu, 19 Mar 2015 13:23:22 +0000 Continue reading Why You’re Ready to Help Others Heal]]> mbcu-buttonRegistration for my 2015 Mind-Body Coach Training is open!

Which makes me think back to the very beginning…

In my early twenties, I spent most of my time lying on the couch, unable to wear underwear, jeans, or even use the restroom without pain. I felt hopeless. I was struggling with vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, pelvic floor dysfunction, constant anxiety, and terrible self-esteem. I was overweight. I was in a very, very, low place.

Finding the courage to embark on a quest to heal was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I had to dig myself out of that pit and create a new life for myself. There was only the tiniest seed of hope in the huge dirt-pile of despair.

What would I have loved to have had during that time?

A mind-body coach.

Someone who understood how to help me use my own mind-body system to create well-being.

Someone who had walked a similar path and understood.

Someone who had compassion and empathy for me and also believed in me.

I was my own coach throughout my healing process. The arduous journey I was on made me want to help others. I wanted to be the someone for them that I’d wanted for me.

I felt the pull to work with others even before I was completely pain-free, before I had newfound confidence, and before I lost the weight.

What did I do? I became a coach. There were other people out there, suffering from TMS or Mind-Body Syndrome. I knew them. I understood them. I felt compassion. We were fellow travelers. And in becoming a coach, I found confidence, strength, and knowledge so I could truly help those people.

After I finished my training, I took my specific expertise around mind-body healing and created my own coaching method. It’s designed to specifically help people with pain relief, anxiety/stress relief, creativity, intuitive awakening, and spiritual growth.

Which brings me to YOU.

Even if you think you haven’t walked far enough on your healing path to become a coach, it’s time. If you have read to this point in this post, you are feeling the same pull that I did. My Mind-Body Coach Training is designed to take you through the healing tools first, before you head out and coach. You’ll have the support, the learning, and the path to develop your skills, and you do not have to be “done,” “perfect,” or “completely healed” to start the training.

We’ll focus on you first and foremost throughout the training, because that’s what will make you a great coach. You’ll be ready. You’ll have such solid mentoring and training that you’ll know you can do it (even if you’re a bit nervous – which is, by the way, NORMAL!).

Whomever you are meant to help, whomever you are meant to guide into the world of mind-body healing – they are waiting. This mind-body thing has been a quiet revolution, and we are on the leading edge in my Mind-Body Coach Community. We never stop learning and growing, and you won’t, either. Which means your clients will be so glad they found YOU.

I can’t possibly coach all the people who want help via the mind-body tools you’ll learn in the 2015 Mind-Body Coach Training They need you. You are ready.

DO it.

Here’s a note from Rebecca, who took the training in 2014:

“Attending Abigail’s Mind Body Coach training became a dream of mine when I discovered her in 2012.  Even though my inner wisdom was speaking to me then, I just didn’t know how to really tap in and listen.  That being said, this training has taught me how to ‘tune into my body’ to hear and translate the sensations that speak my mind.  Once integrated, this piece alone allowed me to turn toward my emotions, without resistance, and notice what my mind was doing with clarity not scarcity.  AHHHH so freeing.  Also, I noticed my inner knowing/wisdom organically flowed from this balance—without efforting.  Imagine that!  I can’t remember a time where I have felt clearer, more open and inspired in my life.  The tools taught are ones that will kindly support my clients and me for a lifetime.  Truly.  The unexpected plus of this training…. it has refined me as life coach – I’m coaching with a new passion, with empathy and compassion, along with trusting my intuition about how best to serve the client.  But it DID all start with me doing my own work first!”

Rebecca Hampton
Beckoning Balance Coaching

– Abigail

P.S. When I decided to become a coach, I was drawn to Martha Beck and her work. She’s become a mentor, friend, and colleague, and I’d love for you to get to experience her work as she teams up with Deepak Chopra in this upcoming event!

It’s All in Your Head, They Said… Thu, 05 Feb 2015 14:00:53 +0000 Continue reading It’s All in Your Head, They Said…]]>

This week, I visited a new doctor. It was just a routine appointment for everyday health upkeep, and yet, I found myself feeling nervous as I entered the exam room.  A simple appointment like this might seem sort of mundane, but for someone like myself, who used to suffer from chronic pain, it’s no small experience. I have a slight panic response to pretty much anything medical. I’m used to being told there’s no help, no hope, or…I’m crazy.

In the past, I sought a lot of medical care for vulvodynia and interstitial cystitis, before I realized they could be treated as TMS, or mind-body syndromes. I had a few wonderful experiences with very helpful physicians, but I also had some doozies. The doozies left me with a little fear, but also a lot of motivation. Motivation to create a different experience for myself and others who have felt like oddballs, weirdos, strange hypochondriacs, or have blamed ourselves for having chronic pain. Check out the video below for a little story about this…

As you can see, I decided to create The Kindness Community to help you with your healing journey and to create compassion, kindness, and connection – the most powerful healing tools I know.

If you want to learn more about The Kindness Community or register, click here!

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Join In! It’s an Intuition Game! Thu, 29 Mar 2012 07:00:14 +0000 Continue reading Join In! It’s an Intuition Game!]]> NurseryThere are many people who are able to wait until they give birth to find out whether they’re having a boy or girl. 

I am not one of them.

I’ve always had a terrible case of curiosity, which I like to think makes me a great coach. (I’m sure it can also make me an annoying sister and friend, but hey, I’m going with the positive thinking here.)

I’ve been waiting for months for the ultrasound where, hopefully, my curiosity will be abated. On April 2, if the doc can see everything clearly, we’ll know if we’re having a boy or girl!

I thought it would be fun to play with intuition and invite you to practice tuning into yours for this momentous event. I’ve been intuiting and I have a feeling about the baby’s gender. (No, I’m not telling.)

Want to play? Here’s how:

1)     Take a couple of deep breaths. Notice your feet and hands to help you ground into your body.

2)     Imagine your wise soul sitting with you and enveloping you in loving, wise energy.

3)     Ask your soul to show you an image, share in words, or convey in whatever way works best for you whether the baby is a boy or girl.

4)     Wait for the answer without any pressure to get it right. We’re just playing, here!

5)     When you have it, fill out the survey below!

This is an ideal way to practice tuning in to your soul and hearing your intuition, because chances are you are not emotionally invested in my baby. You’re likely just fine with me having a girl or a boy. There’s nothing riding on the outcome, so you can just play. And play is the key to tapping into your intuitive inner wisdom! The more you play-practice in this way, the more trust you’ll build in your intuitive abilities. You do NOT have to be perfect. All you have to do is be willing to play. 

Here is the survey! I’ll share the results next week, as well as the results of the ultrasound!


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Letting Go of Knowing Thu, 04 Aug 2011 11:00:18 +0000 Continue reading Letting Go of Knowing]]> Hope

Last week, I invited you along on my surrendering journey.  My question was this: what are you surrendering to right now? I’m surrendering to not knowing what will happen if I give pregnancy and motherhood another shot, post miscarriage. Which led me to ponder this familiar question: Do I really know anything?

There’s a doozy for my inner brainiac! What? Not know stuff?

She and I have had this discussion before, but she’s still a big fan of knowing stuff. Yet, truly, I cannot know what will happen in the next moment, much less the next day, week, month, or year. I can plan. I can intend. I can imagine. I can dream.

But I can’t know.

Aghhhhhhhh! (Inner brainiac screaming. Poor thing.)

I was trained in school to learn, study, analyze, and know. My intellect was honed and my intuition buried. Which is odd, because what I actually need, to navigate my life successfully, is a lot less intellect and lot more intuition. Because intuition actually does KNOW. It knows in a deeper, less verbal, more visceral, somewhat indescribable way. I need to lead my life with intuition, and apply my intellect to intuitive information.

I don’t know anything with my intellect. But I KNOW lots of things with my intuition. Listening to it is a little like walking a tightrope, but being willing to fall into the big, safe net below. I can be willing to let go of the need to know with my mind. I can walk this motherhood tightrope – heck, I might even attempt a little fancy flip or something. My intuition will guide me, and I will know what I need to know, when I need to know it.

Would you like to walk the tightrope with me? Maybe you’re already a mother, but maybe there’s something new you’d like to do – your version of the tightrope. Possibly your intellect would like to know everything and see how it all works out before you take the first/next step. I hear ya, sister! What would it be like to let go of the need to know, together? I have a feeling that some group energy around this might serve all of us who are open to not knowing and ready to trust our intuition more and more. What are you ready to not know?

In March, when I knew in my heart that I was about to miscarry, I felt angry at my intuition. Why tell me something like that in advance? I didn’t want to KNOW.

Except that I did want to know. I’ve spent years opening back up to my intuition, being willing to listen to that deeper voice within, and learning to trust it. I’ve opened that can of worms, and now I KNOW a lot more than I used to. It can be disconcerting, but at the same time, there’s a sense of preparedness that comes with intuitive knowing. It helped me to know I was miscarrying, even if I did have a little fight with it at first. It made it easier to surrender. In general, I trust myself a lot more now that I KNOW things.

I trust that whatever is happening, it is actually serving me, even if it’s painful or uncomfortable. I learned that big lesson from dealing with vulvodynia and interstitial cysititis. Even though I argued against those experiences for a while, in the end I saw why I needed to have them to become the person I truly wanted to be. After I saw that, I was able to trust that new painful experiences were not there to beat me down, but to help me return to myself in some way.

I’m pretty sure I’ll be returning to myself in some form or another for the rest of my life. The difference is, now I am willing to walk that humble path and trust the KNOWING rather than try to steer clear of pain by intellectually choosing my route. (I said willing, mind you. I didn’t say I do it all the time, or perfectly!) I’m willing to not know, and to KNOW. I’m willing to trust the sense of visceral understanding that sometimes cannot be put into words.

To embark on the pregnancy and motherhood path again, (though I don’t think I’ve actually veered off the path, come to think of it) I have to love my intellect, be kind to it, and then remind it that it just can’t know. Then I have to look into my heart, trust my inner guidance, and take the next step on the tightrope. Yes, I am afraid. I allow the fear to surface as I step into the unknown. I feel it. I get guidance from it. And I keep stepping.

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Accessing your Intuitive Genius Thu, 17 Feb 2011 11:00:19 +0000 Continue reading Accessing your Intuitive Genius]]> Inner Intuitive GeniusOne of the major side benefits of doing mind-body healing work is a much stronger connection to your intuitive genius. Some clients even sign on to do mind-body work just for that result. It’s not something I’ve written much about, and it really deserves attention. In our logic-oriented culture, we often forget or simply have no idea how smart we can be if we’re tuned into our intuitive genius.

Intuition is most definitely not a bogus, woo-woo concept. If you’ve ever read The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker, you know just how powerful our intuition really is. If you haven’t read his book, put it on this year’s must-read list. It will improve your sense of confidence and well-being, and keep you safer.

When we try to logic through everything without our intuitive genius, life is much harder. This is because our intuitive genius is always collecting and gathering personalized, useful information and trying to share it with us. Unfortunately, because we sometimes discount this due to its communication process, we miss out on incredibly important information about our lives.

Intuition speaks to us through physical sensation and emotional experience. This is why mind-body work brings us much closer to our own intuition. The more connected you are to your emotions and body, the easier it is to hear the messages delivered from your intuitive genius.

You’ve probably had plenty of experiences where you realized, after the fact, that your gut feeling was accurate. You’ve probably kicked yourself for not listening to it. Now, it’s time to purposefully ask your gut feelings, day in and day out, what they’re trying to tell you. The amazing thing about intuition is that all it requires is your curiosity. You don’t have to know how to access intuitive information. Once you start asking your intuition for information, the intuitive answers just start showing up. It may take some time, but stick with it.

Practice with anything; your health, your finances, your relationships, your job…or, if those things feel too big, start small. Ask your intuition to help you pick out the tastiest apple at the grocery store. Ask it to help you choose the shortest route to your destination. Play with it. Think of it as a wise little person, sitting inside you, and actually have conversations with it.

Pretty soon, you’ll learn to speak its language, which will include body sensations, random ideas, and a sense of just knowing what to do. Eventually, you’ll find yourself hearing and trusting all kinds of little tidbits. You’ll be more efficient, everything will start going your way, and you’ll find most things are suddenly surprisingly easy.

It’s time to be as smart as you really are. Mind plus intuition equals true genius.

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