Get What You Want: Meet Your Inner Pollyanna

I was talking with a client the other day, and we discovered we had something interesting in common. This got me to thinking about some of my fellow coaches and friends, and pretty soon I saw a trend. In this highly informal study, I was able to draw an interesting conclusion: there seems to be… Continue reading Get What You Want: Meet Your Inner Pollyanna

Dealing with Change

Square One. It’s a place we coaches often dread, because we know what it means. It’s the place most clients are in when they sign up for a coaching session. Square One is Martha Beck’s  first stop on the Change Cycle, a process she describes in Finding Your Own North Star. The Change Cycle is… Continue reading Dealing with Change

Using Emotions to Return to Inner Wisdom

You’ve probably noticed I talk a lot about the role of emotions in any mind-body healing journey, whether that journey is about pain relief, weight loss, stress relief, or something else. Feeling emotions and decoding their messages is a major part of the mind-body-soul connection. In fact, I’d even say it’s practically THE most important… Continue reading Using Emotions to Return to Inner Wisdom

Rolling out the Kinks

As you might already know if you’re a faithful reader, I have a terrible massage addiction. I adore massage with all my heart. So, when my massage therapist suggested I check out Yamuna Body Rolling  as a self-massage resource, I was excited. Of course, nothing can replace a true massage from another human being, but… Continue reading Rolling out the Kinks