Connection Not Perfection: A Simple Strategy for Overcoming Perfectionism and Relieving Pain

by Endorsed Mind Body Coach, Lorraine Faehndrich Ah perfection. I’ve spent most of my life, consciously or unconsciously trying to be perfect – in almost every area of my life – and at the same time feeling like I was failing miserably at it. Ahem.  No kidding! If you’re reading this, I’m going to take… Continue reading Connection Not Perfection: A Simple Strategy for Overcoming Perfectionism and Relieving Pain

What Would Feel Better Now?

By Anamsong Endorsed Mind-Body Coach, Jessica Steward As a solopreneur, it can feel very strange and lonely working for oneself day-in and day-out. We no longer have a source of endless annoyance or inspiration in the form of other people. No one with whom we can brainstorm our brainiest thoughts or off of whom we… Continue reading What Would Feel Better Now?

The Secret Ingredient for Health and Well-Being

Probably the most common message my clients’ bodies relay is this: rest more. In response to that message, most clients say things like: But I don’t have time! I’m already resting. That can’t possibly be what I need. But what if all I do is lie around like a sloth? How will I get things… Continue reading The Secret Ingredient for Health and Well-Being