Tossing the New Year’s Resolutions

We’re coming to the close of another year and heading into that familiar tradition of taking stock and making New Year’s resolutions. I, for one, will not be partaking of this tradition. As you’ve noticed, I’ve been writing about self-kindness recently, and not applying force or pressure to create change in one’s life. My main… Continue reading Tossing the New Year’s Resolutions

Practice Being Kind – To You

Last week, I wrote about taking the first steps toward self-kindness. It can definitely be a learning curve to practice self-kindness, so this week I’d like to talk about step two: actively creating self-kindness in your mind. Once you start recognizing when you are beating yourself up or judging yourself, you have opened the window… Continue reading Practice Being Kind – To You

Learn to Be Kind – To You

When I first realized I was putting immense and constant pressure on myself, and that the pressure was causing my body to revolt, it was like putting on glasses for the first time. I could see clearly how much I was beating myself up, trying to be perfect, judging myself, and otherwise rejecting who I… Continue reading Learn to Be Kind – To You

Want to Heal? Be a Hot Mess.

Right now, I have a group of coaches taking my Mind-Body Coach Training. They’ve been thrown into what I call The Mess as they experience the first part of the training. This just means that they are learning how to feel emotions, what to do with body tension and pain, and discovering that their minds… Continue reading Want to Heal? Be a Hot Mess.