Whose Life Are You Living Anyway?

by Endorsed Mind-Body Coach CrisMarie Campbell The Pleaser I tend to make choices based on what other people want or think versus what I want or think. I am a pleaser, what the professionals call a “co-dependent” or what Oprah Magazine’s Dr. Martha Beck refers to as an “Approval Whore.”  Once I was even too afraid… Continue reading Whose Life Are You Living Anyway?

Living the Work: Finding Transformative Gold

We have a tool in Martha Beck Life Coaching called the “Living Space Tool.”  I have avoided it for years.  Did I ask someone to use that tool on me?  No.  Did I use it on myself?  No.  I told myself it just “wasn’t my tool” or “didn’t feel right.”  Heh.  Avoidance, anyone?  A coach… Continue reading Living the Work: Finding Transformative Gold

What Happens When You Quiet Your Mind

By Anamsong Endorsed Mind-Body Coach, Jessica Steward What happens when you quiet your mind, feel your emotions, listen to your body, and drop into a place where you can meet with your soul…your higher self…the universe and hear its message? What if you put down the knife that you keep falling upon and instead ask… Continue reading What Happens When You Quiet Your Mind