It’s Perfect

Today my “What If” post is being featured on Sandy Robinson’s blog, Fighting Fatigue.  Take a look at her fantastic site!  In Martha Beck coaching, we coaches have a question we love to ask our clients.  When they are facing a something they find unpleasant or frustrating, we ask, “Why is this experience perfect for you… Continue reading It’s Perfect

Finding Your Inner Healer

In Martha Beck’s book, Finding Your North Star, she discusses the concept of the essential self.  Basically, your essential self is the calm, peaceful, wise you who knows exactly what you need in every moment of your life.  When you feel flashes of intuition, you are hearing the voice of your essential self.  When you… Continue reading Finding Your Inner Healer


It’s so easy to feel down or depressed when you are dealing with pain or other frustrating symptoms.  Everything seems gray – the days feel difficult, it’s hard to find the fun or joy in life.  Depression feels heavy, and before you know it, you honestly can’t remember how to feel good.  The symptoms seem… Continue reading Depression