Free Writing for Pain Relief

If you have been using the Healthy Mind Toolbox Audio Course to aid your mind-body healing process, then you know there are lots of great mind-body tools to help you reconnect to your body, emotions, and inner wisdom.  I am creative by nature, so I often get new tool ideas, ideas for new ways to… Continue reading Free Writing for Pain Relief

An Uninvited Guest – So I Thought

This post was written by Diane Hunter, an Endorsed Healthy Life Mind-Body Coach.  She can be reached for consults and coaching at For the past five weeks, my family and I had a surprise Guest stay with us.   Guest arrived without warning and with no communication when Guest would depart.  Why had Guest decided… Continue reading An Uninvited Guest – So I Thought

Befriending Resistance

Have you ever woken up to your to-do list and found yourself dragging your feet? Have you ever felt like your body was filled with lead and actually doing the items on your list was harder than pushing a boulder uphill? Have you ever forced yourself to do them all anyway, and ended up feeling… Continue reading Befriending Resistance

My So-Called Emotional Life

This week I’d like to share a post with you from my good friend and fellow coach Bridgette Boudreau.  As soon as I read this, I realized I couldn’t say it better, so I’m bringing her words directly to you.  Bridgette and I have been coaching each other recently on allowing emotions, and I think… Continue reading My So-Called Emotional Life

Food for Thought about Emotional Suppression

This post was written by Jen Greer, an Endorsed Healthy Life Mind-Body Coach.  She can be reached for consults and coaching at What comes to mind when you think about emotional suppression? Being a mind body coach trained by our very own Abigail Steidley and a long-time master at emotional suppression*, I’ve spent a… Continue reading Food for Thought about Emotional Suppression

Client Interview – Healing more than the Physical Body

Two weeks ago I wrote about the spiritual element of my healing journey.  For many clients, once they have healed their bodies, they, too, embark on deeper and larger levels of healing.  The coaching around vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, fibromyalgia, and other pain syndromes fades away and clients and I begin working on these other realms… Continue reading Client Interview – Healing more than the Physical Body