Food for Thought about Emotional Suppression

This post was written by Jen Greer, an Endorsed Healthy Life Mind-Body Coach.  She can be reached for consults and coaching at What comes to mind when you think about emotional suppression? Being a mind body coach trained by our very own Abigail Steidley and a long-time master at emotional suppression*, I’ve spent a… Continue reading Food for Thought about Emotional Suppression

Dare to Care – A Revolt from the Tryanny of To-Do’s

Let’s talk about our to-do lists.  I’m going to use my powers of clairvoyance to see your to-do list…hang on, I’m accessing them now…I’m seeing a list that’s miles long, maybe even more than one list, with more items on it than you can actually do in a day…  Either I’m brilliant or I’m just… Continue reading Dare to Care – A Revolt from the Tryanny of To-Do’s

It’s Perfect

Today my “What If” post is being featured on Sandy Robinson’s blog, Fighting Fatigue.  Take a look at her fantastic site!  In Martha Beck coaching, we coaches have a question we love to ask our clients.  When they are facing a something they find unpleasant or frustrating, we ask, “Why is this experience perfect for you… Continue reading It’s Perfect

What If

I recently coached a client through a hysterectomy, working on her fears about the surgery, her worries about anesthesia, and her concerns about her doctors.  Health crises bring surges of emotion into our lives, and if we don’t know what to do with all these emotions, we run the risk of making the experience much… Continue reading What If

Saved by my Inner Healer

My Inner Healer (see previous posts) and I became very good friends after my first appointment with the breathing and relaxation instructor, Kathleen.  It turns out deep breathing is a fantastic way to start listening to your Inner Healer, which is why I began mentioning it a few posts ago.  Breathing is magical.  It stops… Continue reading Saved by my Inner Healer

Finding Your Inner Healer

In Martha Beck’s book, Finding Your North Star, she discusses the concept of the essential self.  Basically, your essential self is the calm, peaceful, wise you who knows exactly what you need in every moment of your life.  When you feel flashes of intuition, you are hearing the voice of your essential self.  When you… Continue reading Finding Your Inner Healer


It’s so easy to feel down or depressed when you are dealing with pain or other frustrating symptoms.  Everything seems gray – the days feel difficult, it’s hard to find the fun or joy in life.  Depression feels heavy, and before you know it, you honestly can’t remember how to feel good.  The symptoms seem… Continue reading Depression

Your Identity

I’ve always been a voracious reader, but my experience with vulvodynia opened my eyes to whole new genres of books.  I read books about natural healing, more self-help books than ever, books about spirituality – if it had words in it, I read it!  This was, of course, how I came to discover Martha Beck… Continue reading Your Identity

It Sounds Good…

I’ve just finished my ten-minute relaxation and am feeling calm and peaceful.  (See yesterday’s post.)  While I was doing my deep breathing, I remembered another piece of the puzzle you might find helpful.  (Have I mentioned that taking ten minutes to focus on the breath and evoke a relaxation response often leads to inspiration as… Continue reading It Sounds Good…

The Relaxation Response – Why You’ll Love It!

I’ve talked a little about the detrimental affect panic has on your physiological healing, and you are familiar with the unpleasant sensation of living with panic or fear as your primary emotion.  My last post discussed a quick way to escape the panic when it is just too overwhelming.  I’d like to talk today about… Continue reading The Relaxation Response – Why You’ll Love It!