Food for Thought about Emotional Suppression

This post was written by Jen Greer, an Endorsed Healthy Life Mind-Body Coach.  She can be reached for consults and coaching at What comes to mind when you think about emotional suppression? Being a mind body coach trained by our very own Abigail Steidley and a long-time master at emotional suppression*, I’ve spent a… Continue reading Food for Thought about Emotional Suppression

Creating Your Support System

Choose to ask for support! Have you ever been in a place of distress, whether it’s illness, grief, stress, or general upheaval, and found yourself longing for help from someone?  Anyone?  Please, God, just somebody help me?  And then getting a bit angry at God and everyone for not helping? I have certainly been in… Continue reading Creating Your Support System

Decoding Pain Series – Releasing the Pressure

To read the first post in this series, click here. This could be an easy week to put a lot of pressure on myself.  Here are the things I could be “shoulding” about: 1.    I should make my house look great for the Thanksgiving relative influx 2.    I should get my to-do list done prior… Continue reading Decoding Pain Series – Releasing the Pressure

Less is More…and Equals Less Pain

I’m taking a break in the Decoding Pain series, but much more to come on that in upcoming weeks. Today, I am inspired to talk about doing less and still getting it all done.  Do those two concepts seem competitive instead of complimentary?  Think again! This is one of my favorite topics, which is why… Continue reading Less is More…and Equals Less Pain

Decoding Pain Series – True Self Nurturing

To read the first post in this series, click here. Are you aware of when and why you are pushing yourself beyond your body’s recommendations?  I used to think I would be pushing myself only if I was, say, training for the Olympics.  Now, I understand I’m pushing myself if I feel tension in my… Continue reading Decoding Pain Series – True Self Nurturing