What if You Could Feel Really, Really Good? Let’s Do It.

Here’s a good question: What does it look like when your mind and body are working in sync? We spend a lot of time talking about having an ideal mind-body relationship, but what does that actually mean? For a long time, I simply wanted health and emotional well-being. That seemed like a good enough definition!… Continue reading What if You Could Feel Really, Really Good? Let’s Do It.

Reclaiming My Life

by Endorsed Mind-Body Coach, Linda Bayly-Fennell Once upon a time not that many years ago I was having a nervous breakdown of sorts.  In the healing community they call it a “spiritual awakening.”  I guess that’s supposed to make you feel better?  But it wasn’t anything I wanted to wake up to.  In hindsight I… Continue reading Reclaiming My Life

How Mind-Body Training Changed My Life

by Endorsed Mind-Body Coach CrisMarie Campbell Even before I became an Endorsed Mind-Body Coach, I subscribed to the belief that what I don’t feel, shows up in my body. In his book the Mindbody Prescription, Dr. Sarno describes this linkage quite well.  But instead of dealing with my discomfort with anger, sadness and all those icky-ucky… Continue reading How Mind-Body Training Changed My Life

The Enlivened Feminine

(Pic:Feminine) By Endorsed Mind-Body Coach Gail Kenny It’s time to take the women’s rights movement to the next level, which is inside you.  It’s time to clear out what’s holding you back, inside your body and soul, from full feminine empowerment and the ease of living your right life in a balanced way.  The women… Continue reading The Enlivened Feminine

Being in the Light Flow

(Pic: Light Flow) By Endorsed Mind-Body Coach Gail Kenny Every now and then, but more often these days, I experience a sense of synchronicity when my internal and external perceptions are congruent and seemingly tuned in together. It’s as if I’m not a separate being but I’m connected and in the flow with the world… Continue reading Being in the Light Flow

Creating Community for Healing and Happiness

(Pic:Healing) I learned a lot in 2013. It was a year of growth, transformation, humility, discovery, and so much more. Going through another TMS experience, being a new mom, and finding out what wasn’t working in my life caused me to look deeply inward in whole new ways. What did I find? 1. I learned… Continue reading Creating Community for Healing and Happiness

What Happens When You Quiet Your Mind

By Anamsong Endorsed Mind-Body Coach, Jessica Steward What happens when you quiet your mind, feel your emotions, listen to your body, and drop into a place where you can meet with your soul…your higher self…the universe and hear its message? What if you put down the knife that you keep falling upon and instead ask… Continue reading What Happens When You Quiet Your Mind