Self Discovery and Healing

Most of us start the self-discovery journey that is mind-body healing because we’re in pain.  Maybe we’re struggling with vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, or pelvic floor dysfunction.  Maybe we have chronic back pain.  Maybe we’ve been dealing with depression or anxiety.  We come to self-discovery through the back door of suffering, but before… Continue reading Self Discovery and Healing

Authentically You…and Healthy

In my own mind-body health maintenance plan, I have recently been focusing on being as completely authentic as possible.  I’ve noticed over the years that the more tuned in to my body I am, the more it leads me to be completely honest with myself about myself. Before my years of vulvodynia, irritable bowel syndrome,… Continue reading Authentically You…and Healthy

Kicking off the Tour! A dream comes true…

I first met Jess Ryan because of what some might call coincidence, others might call synchronicity, and I call the answer to a prayer. As a mind-body coach, I wanted to take my work into a new realm; I wanted to combine mind-body coaching with yoga.  Yoga played a big role in my healing process,… Continue reading Kicking off the Tour! A dream comes true…

What’s Your Body Saying?

I talk a lot about how to feel emotions, how to work with your own tricky mind, and other mental/emotional aspects of mind-body healing.  However, the other aspect of mind-body healing is mental awareness of the physical body.  For that reason, you’ll notice me teaming up with Jess Ryan, Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher, frequently throughout… Continue reading What’s Your Body Saying?