Don’t Force It

This post was written by Ann Burrish, an Endorsed Healthy Life Mind-Body Coach. She can be reached for consults and coaching at Years ago I received this excellent advice from one of the wisest and most practical people I know. At the time I was attempting some version of trying to fit a square… Continue reading Don’t Force It

Healing From Within, My Path to Freedom

This post was written by Diane Hunter, an Endorsed Healthy Life Mind-Body Coach.  She can be reached for consults and coaching at My Bladder Starts Talking I experienced my first bladder infection in 1989 at the age of 24.  The pain ripped through my lower pelvis.  Panicked and doubled over I called the doctor. … Continue reading Healing From Within, My Path to Freedom

3 Ways to Feel Better, Fast

The primary reason we end up with chronic pelvic pain syndromes is surprisingly simple.  Our bodies are designed to respond to danger and stress with the fight or flight response.  Two very important things happen when we experience this physiological response consistently, day in and day out.  One, our muscles tighten and clench, holding chronic… Continue reading 3 Ways to Feel Better, Fast

Self Discovery and Healing

Most of us start the self-discovery journey that is mind-body healing because we’re in pain.  Maybe we’re struggling with vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, or pelvic floor dysfunction.  Maybe we have chronic back pain.  Maybe we’ve been dealing with depression or anxiety.  We come to self-discovery through the back door of suffering, but before… Continue reading Self Discovery and Healing

Pain Math – Your Brain is getting it Wrong

I used to think that nearly everything I did caused pain.  Before I knew it, the pain had ruled out most everyday activities, like walking, sitting, standing for too long, sleeping in certain positions, eating most foods, having sex, and more.  My life shrank, little by little, until there wasn’t much left. At the time,… Continue reading Pain Math – Your Brain is getting it Wrong

Client Interview Series – Getting Out of the “Pain Has a Physical Cause” Rut

Today starts the launch of the Client Interview Series!  I am so excited to share these interviews with all of you, as I think it will be immensely helpful to hear the wisdom and perspective of your fellow travelers on this mind-body healing journey.  Some of the clients I’ve interviewed (and will be interviewing) are… Continue reading Client Interview Series – Getting Out of the “Pain Has a Physical Cause” Rut

Less Pain, NOW!

Do you want to reduce your pain, right now? As in, in the next ten minutes?  (And by pain, I don’t just mean physical pain – I’m also talking about emotional pain.)  There is one magical technique for doing so, but it takes a little practice.  Ready to find out?  Drumroll…. Breathing. No, seriously!  In… Continue reading Less Pain, NOW!