Worst Case Scenario

A Guest Post by Endorsed Mind-Body Coach Gail Kenny I used to spend much of my time worrying about the future and mulling over things that happened in the past.  Mind-body syndrome symptoms such as chronic pelvic pain, interstitial cystitis and vulvodynia are often the result of the body being in the fight, flight or… Continue reading Worst Case Scenario

Healing From Within, My Path to Freedom

This post was written by Diane Hunter, an Endorsed Healthy Life Mind-Body Coach.  She can be reached for consults and coaching at diane@afterautism.com. My Bladder Starts Talking I experienced my first bladder infection in 1989 at the age of 24.  The pain ripped through my lower pelvis.  Panicked and doubled over I called the doctor. … Continue reading Healing From Within, My Path to Freedom