Coffee with a Coach #3 – The Law of Attraction

Well, I’m off for a little self-care of the big kind this week – a vacation!  It’s a relaxed getaway with very little structure that includes a beach, a sunny climate, and a day at a spa.  Heavenly!  My husband is bravely trying a couples massage with me, having been assured that it’s very, very… Continue reading Coffee with a Coach #3 – The Law of Attraction

Dare to Care – Mental Self-Care

So now you’ve heard me on my soapbox about self-care for several weeks; but, I’m not done with this topic!  It’s too important – I’ve just got to say a few more things on it before I move on to other issues.  (By the way – there’s lots of interesting stuff coming in the next two… Continue reading Dare to Care – Mental Self-Care

Coffee with a Coach # 2 Dare to Care About You

It’s been so fun to hear what everyone is doing to take care of themselves!  Thanks for writing comments, everyone who wrote, and keep it up.  I think this is a very important discussion.  This week, I am giving you another installment of Coffee with a Coach.  Listen in as I talk with fellow Certified… Continue reading Coffee with a Coach # 2 Dare to Care About You

Dare to Care – A Revolt from the Tryanny of To-Do’s

Let’s talk about our to-do lists.  I’m going to use my powers of clairvoyance to see your to-do list…hang on, I’m accessing them now…I’m seeing a list that’s miles long, maybe even more than one list, with more items on it than you can actually do in a day…  Either I’m brilliant or I’m just… Continue reading Dare to Care – A Revolt from the Tryanny of To-Do’s

Dare to Care – About You

Since I recently re-evaluated my lifestyle and came to the conclusion I was once again pushing myself too hard, I wanted to open a discussion on this topic with all of you.  I’d love to hear your comments about this post, because my vision for this blog is to make it more and more interactive. … Continue reading Dare to Care – About You

Perfection versus Moderation

I had to do something terribly annoying last night.  I’m sure you’ll all understand.  I had to look my husband in the eyes and say the dreaded two words: “You’re right.”  He was just in heaven, smiling and nodding and looking quite smug.  Argh!  The truth is, though, that he WAS right, and he deserved… Continue reading Perfection versus Moderation

Coach, Coach Thyself

Okay, I’ll admit it.  I’m a very stubborn person.  My parents always told me this, and I stubbornly refused to admit it.  Out loud, that is.  The overwhelming evidence of my stubbornness has always been a little hard to refute.  It takes a big disruption in my life to jolt me out of the single-minded… Continue reading Coach, Coach Thyself

Becoming a Hero

I know what it’s like.  You don’t feel well.  Your body is not happy, you’re in pain, you don’t like your symptoms, and you are stressed to the max.  You’re trying to keep up a normal lifestyle despite the health issues you’re dealing with, and on top of that you have the normal everyday stresses… Continue reading Becoming a Hero

Katie’s Story – A Client’s Success

I know that my story is somewhat unusual and yet exciting for those of you who are just stepping your toe into the mind-body healing waters.  I know that many of you wonder if you, too, can use your mind and all its healing powers.  So, I’m delighted to share with you the story of… Continue reading Katie’s Story – A Client’s Success

Internet Panic – How to Surf without Fear

Let’s talk about the internet.  It’s such a fantastic resource, full of medical information, supportive forums, and help for anyone with any diagnosis.  It’s also a place of much misinformation, terrifying messages, depressing stories, and unusual theories.  In this, the information age, now anyone can share their innermost fears, broadcast them to the world, and… Continue reading Internet Panic – How to Surf without Fear