Decoding Pain Series – True Self Nurturing

To read the first post in this series, click here. Are you aware of when and why you are pushing yourself beyond your body’s recommendations?  I used to think I would be pushing myself only if I was, say, training for the Olympics.  Now, I understand I’m pushing myself if I feel tension in my… Continue reading Decoding Pain Series – True Self Nurturing

Decoding Pain Series – Pushing Past your Limits

To read the first post in this series, click here. Can you tell when you’re pushing yourself past your body’s messages?  If you followed the process outlined in last week’s post, Nurturing vs. Pushing, you have the knowledge and tools you need.  Now, you just need a little practice. Staying aware of your body is… Continue reading Decoding Pain Series – Pushing Past your Limits

Decoding the Pain Message – Nurturing vs Pushing

Click the link to listen to this week’s FREE CALL! To understand what your body is trying to tell you via physical pain, you need one major tool: awareness.  Notice what is happening within your body and mind and you will get clarity.  I’ll help you speed up the process.  This week, I’ll focus on… Continue reading Decoding the Pain Message – Nurturing vs Pushing

The Messages in Physical Pain

Pain and illness, as you probably already know from reading previous posts, are ways the body sends important information to you.  Think of pain as an email or text from your inner, wise self.  The body is the conduit for all wisdom from your wiser, higher self. Before you get angry at your body for… Continue reading The Messages in Physical Pain

Laugh and Play your way to Health

When was the last time you laughed – the kind of laugh that makes your stomach sore and your cheeks ache? I had a good laugh yesterday, and the day before, too.  I seek out laughter as much as I seek out play. The two go hand in hand, so in looking for one, I… Continue reading Laugh and Play your way to Health