I Should Be Well By Now

I don’t know about you, but I just don’t have time to be sick. I have a to-do list that never ends, scheduled appointments with clients, workshops to prepare and present, my family to care for, lots to do around my house, and the occasional spare minute for time with friends. Illness does not play… Continue reading I Should Be Well By Now

Harnessing the Mind’s Healing Power

The mind is a powerful tool for healing, but knowing what to do with your mind and how to harness its abilities is another story altogether. When I first decided to study the mind-body connection and truly turn my mind into a healing tool, I read book after book, devouring the words of as many… Continue reading Harnessing the Mind’s Healing Power

The Passionate Life Coach

I’ve been writing about the mind body connection lately because I find it fascinating and compelling.  I see it as another helpful avenue to pursue on the road to healing.  I want to make it clear, however, that this is just a favorite topic of mine.  I used many mind body techniques to find my… Continue reading The Passionate Life Coach

More About the Mind Body Connection

In last week’s post I presented my new Mind Body Health Program dedicated to helping you learn effective tools for creating mind and body teamwork.  Though this is certainly not a new topic in alternative health modalities, it definitely deserves a post of its own.  The connection between the mind and the body is something… Continue reading More About the Mind Body Connection

The Mind Body Connection

Over the last few months, I’ve written many different posts regarding effective tools for dealing with the emotional difficulty of facing illnesses such as vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, and other pelvic pain syndromes.  I have found an integrated mind-body approach to healing very effective in my own life, so I have hoped sharing some of these… Continue reading The Mind Body Connection

Focusing on Pain

I’d like to let you know that I am now also writing for Dr. Echenberg’s website, Secret Suffering.  I hope you enjoy the articles as well as the site, which is jam-packed with helpful information. When you’re in pain, it can be difficult to think about anything else.  Pain becomes the boss, dictating what activities… Continue reading Focusing on Pain

Lessons Learned

I’d like to let you know that I am now also writing for Dr. Echenberg’s website, Secret Suffering.  I hope you enjoy the articles as well as the site, which is jam-packed with helpful information. I often think I’ve thoroughly learned something and then life throws me a new experience that takes me deeper than… Continue reading Lessons Learned

Feeling the Healing

I’d like to let you know that I am now also writing for Dr. Echenberg’s website, Secret Suffering.  I hope you enjoy the articles as well as the site, which is jam-packed with helpful information. I’ve been sick this week, and it has reminded me of an important idea I’ve been meaning to share.  A… Continue reading Feeling the Healing

Letting Fear Drive

Most of us are not hoping to wake up every morning and feel intense panic or desperate fear.  If we could ask for anything, we’d probably ask for peace.  Peace for others, peace for the entire planet, and peace within ourselves.  Yet, when we face health problems and physical pain, peace seems impossible.  Fear and… Continue reading Letting Fear Drive

Pain: The Messenger

After years of struggling with physical pain and other uncomfortable sensations such as vulvar burning, rawness, and itching, I felt exhausted.  I was so sick of pain I wanted to give up, somehow, or run away.  I longed to jump out of my own skin and just escape.  I was going crazy dealing with the… Continue reading Pain: The Messenger