The PMS Advantage

In my early twenties, I was new to the self-help genre and had spent most of my formative years trying to be an excellent violinist. When I picked up John Sarno’s The Mindbody Prescription, the personality profile he described fairly smacked me in the face. Perfectionism? Trying to be good all the time? Feeling responsible… Continue reading The PMS Advantage

Lessons Learned

I’d like to let you know that I am now also writing for Dr. Echenberg’s website, Secret Suffering.  I hope you enjoy the articles as well as the site, which is jam-packed with helpful information. I often think I’ve thoroughly learned something and then life throws me a new experience that takes me deeper than… Continue reading Lessons Learned

Pain: The Messenger

After years of struggling with physical pain and other uncomfortable sensations such as vulvar burning, rawness, and itching, I felt exhausted.  I was so sick of pain I wanted to give up, somehow, or run away.  I longed to jump out of my own skin and just escape.  I was going crazy dealing with the… Continue reading Pain: The Messenger