The PMS Advantage

In my early twenties, I was new to the self-help genre and had spent most of my formative years trying to be an excellent violinist. When I picked up John Sarno’s The Mindbody Prescription, the personality profile he described fairly smacked me in the face. Perfectionism? Trying to be good all the time? Feeling responsible… Continue reading The PMS Advantage

Perfectly Authentic

By Endorsed Coach, Linda Bayly-Fennell Perfect. What is perfect? I decided to look up the definition and found the following delicious tidbit from Wiktionary, “Having all its parts in harmony with a common purpose.” – I love that. I started to wonder, why is this word or concept so loaded for so many of us?… Continue reading Perfectly Authentic

Pain and the Gift of Love

Before I went through my recent pregnancy and mind-body healing journey, I thought I was kind and loving to myself. Ha ha ha! Oh sorry, I just had to stop and laugh. I seriously thought that – but wow, was I ever delusional! I can’t say that I have loved being in physical pain, but… Continue reading Pain and the Gift of Love

Know that You’re Awesome

One of the delightful elements of coaching (and there are many) is getting to meet so many different women.  Every week, I talk to women from different walks of life and different parts of the country and world.  Though no two women are the same, there is one thing they seem to have in common:… Continue reading Know that You’re Awesome