Why slothing is your new wellness practice

I’ve discovered that Slacker Magic comes with its own vocabulary.  Need some rest? Haven’t spent enough time restoring your body and spirit lately?  If so, it’s time for some slothing.  Notice you’re pressuring yourself too much and trying to make something turn out “just right?” And now you’re exhausted and don’t even want to do… Continue reading Why slothing is your new wellness practice

What to do when the pursuit of wellness backfires

The wellness industry is a booming industry. There are countless ways you can improve your health. You can use “natural” alternative healing techniques. You can read books. You can try a variety of dietary approaches.  While the pursuit of wellness seems harmless, there’s one catch:  Self-pressure.  If your pursuit of wellness is built on a… Continue reading What to do when the pursuit of wellness backfires

How to Find Calm in Two Minutes

It’s four-thirty in the afternoon, and I’m attempting to get groceries. This attempt is an utter failure, because my daughter is having a very well-timed meltdown. She has climbed with agile speed into the grocery-filled section of the cart and is standing there, body tensed and face red, yelling and crying as I try to… Continue reading How to Find Calm in Two Minutes

How mind-body-spirit tools always help me heal

Mind-body-spirit tools gave me my life back in my early twenties. I’d suffered from two pelvic syndromes for years; interstitial cystitis and vulvodynia. After I discovered mind-body healing, I was finally able to live without these syndromes. (Happy dance!) Mind-body-spirit tools gave me my life back last year, too.  Even though I was facing a… Continue reading How mind-body-spirit tools always help me heal

Slacker Magic

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.19.18″] In writing this post, I’m pretty sure I’m letting everyone in on a secret. Though I seem somewhat conventional on the outside, I’m really not. I’ve been called responsible and a goody-two-shoes, and I’ll own a little of that. However, my heart is most rebellious. Once, when I was ten, I… Continue reading Slacker Magic