Reclaiming My Life

by Endorsed Mind-Body Coach, Linda Bayly-Fennell Once upon a time not that many years ago I was having a nervous breakdown of sorts.  In the healing community they call it a “spiritual awakening.”  I guess that’s supposed to make you feel better?  But it wasn’t anything I wanted to wake up to.  In hindsight I… Continue reading Reclaiming My Life

Life Serves Up Another Metaphor

(Pic: Fast) I play Traditional Irish fiddle with a group of fellow musicians every week. We are an informal Irish Session, which means we get together and play traditional Irish tunes in jam-session style. Recently, post-baby, I’ve been dashing in, joining the group for 45 minutes, then dashing out (as a mom, you grab your… Continue reading Life Serves Up Another Metaphor

Mindfulness, Momfulness, and Meditation

(Pic: Meditate) I’ve been having a little argument with myself about meditation ever since becoming a mom.  Before I was a mom, I think I just sat down and meditated. I can’t really remember. Now, though, sitting down to meditate for any extended period of time requires either a) a babysitter, b) me to be… Continue reading Mindfulness, Momfulness, and Meditation

Shift Happens

(Pic: Change) By Endorsed Mind-Body Coach Gail Kenny You know the feeling, you’re just getting comfortable or at least stable with most parts of your life then something happens that throws you off-balance and back into uncertainty and not knowing. It’s got you overwhelmed with emotions and in a fearful place. You’ve become unsettled and… Continue reading Shift Happens

Creating Community for Healing and Happiness

(Pic:Healing) I learned a lot in 2013. It was a year of growth, transformation, humility, discovery, and so much more. Going through another TMS experience, being a new mom, and finding out what wasn’t working in my life caused me to look deeply inward in whole new ways. What did I find? 1. I learned… Continue reading Creating Community for Healing and Happiness

Celebrating a Birthday, Health, and Motherhood

Sunday, December 8 was my birthday. Two years ago, on December 8, I discovered I was pregnant. It was a dream come true and a fabulous birthday present all wrapped up in one package. I was excited, nervous, happy, petrified, delighted, scared…you get the drift. I knew I was in for an enormous transition, but… Continue reading Celebrating a Birthday, Health, and Motherhood

Tea with the Monster

by Endorsed Mind-Body Coach, Linda Bayly-Fennell I am a recovering fire fleer. You may be wondering, what’s the problem with that? Aren’t you supposed to flee fires? Seems like a sound thing to do, doesn’t it? But alas I am not speaking of real fires. I’m speaking of emotional feet-to-the-flame kind of fires. Martha Beck… Continue reading Tea with the Monster

Staying Centered in the Midst of Profound Change

By Endorsed Mind-Body Coach Gail Kenny Now that I’m four years into practicing mind-body connection skills on a daily basis, I thought I’d weather major life change and the stress that comes with it with ease. It turns out it’s not that easy. But using mind-body skills is definitely helping. I’d hate to think what… Continue reading Staying Centered in the Midst of Profound Change

What Would Feel Better Now?

By Anamsong Endorsed Mind-Body Coach, Jessica Steward As a solopreneur, it can feel very strange and lonely working for oneself day-in and day-out. We no longer have a source of endless annoyance or inspiration in the form of other people. No one with whom we can brainstorm our brainiest thoughts or off of whom we… Continue reading What Would Feel Better Now?