Dealing with Change

Square One. It’s a place we coaches often dread, because we know what it means. It’s the place most clients are in when they sign up for a coaching session. Square One is Martha Beck’s  first stop on the Change Cycle, a process she describes in Finding Your Own North Star. The Change Cycle is… Continue reading Dealing with Change

Rolling out the Kinks

As you might already know if you’re a faithful reader, I have a terrible massage addiction. I adore massage with all my heart. So, when my massage therapist suggested I check out Yamuna Body Rolling  as a self-massage resource, I was excited. Of course, nothing can replace a true massage from another human being, but… Continue reading Rolling out the Kinks

Troubleshooting Your Healing Process

After years of applying mind-body healing tools in my life and coaching others around using their mind-body connection to feel better, I’ve finally condensed what I know into practical and digestible pieces. We read about the mind-body connection, we hear more and more about it these days, and it sounds good. But the practical application… Continue reading Troubleshooting Your Healing Process

The Art of Waiting

I will admit it. Patience is not exactly one of my strengths. According to the Kolbe Index  I’m a Quick Start. This just means that my tendency is to dive into things headfirst and get going, ASAP. I pretty much do everything this way. On the one hand, it does mean I get a lot… Continue reading The Art of Waiting

Hear Your Soul, Heal Yourself Ebook

I’m so excited to share the new Hear Your Soul, Heal Yourself ebook with you! Take a moment to view the video about the ebook, and then grab your copy by signing up in the box in the right sidebar. (The video talks about the ebook as a series, but I’ve decided to just send… Continue reading Hear Your Soul, Heal Yourself Ebook

Giving Birth to Anamsong

Have you ever looked back and realized you could have never envisioned the path your life has taken? As I prepare to launch my new website and business, I am astounded at what has happened in my life to create this moment, now. This is why I bow down to my soul and revere its… Continue reading Giving Birth to Anamsong

And anamsong was born…

For the last many, many, many months, I’ve been working with an amazing team to create a new website. And more. Since it’s getting close to the great unveiling, I want to let you in on the story behind everything new.  And wow, is there ever a lot of new coming down the line! Grab… Continue reading And anamsong was born…

Ode to Turtle Steps

Re-defining my coaching business, creating a new website, writing a book, running my Mind-Body Coach Training, and being the Life Coach Training Coordinator for Martha Beck, Inc is kind of a lot. In fact, as I write that list, I realize I haven’t actually considered how much is going on in my work life. I… Continue reading Ode to Turtle Steps

Stressed to the Limit?

This morning, I stumbled into my kitchen to cook breakfast, only to remember that there’s nothing in the kitchen. All the cooking utensils, plates, and bowls are scattered throughout my living room right now, and none of the cupboards have doors. The walls are half-painted and the counters are covered in sawdust. I currently can’t… Continue reading Stressed to the Limit?