You’ve Got To Feel To Heal

by Endorsed Coach, Meryl Feldman Dr. John Sarno revolutionized the medical field with his radical approaches to healing back pain and other physical ailments.  He coined the term TMS, tension myostitis syndrome, to describe a circulatory constriction in blood vessels that results in pain in the body.  This is also know as Mind-body syndrome. To… Continue reading You’ve Got To Feel To Heal

Your Mind-Body Shopping List: Heal Yourself for $5 (or less!)

If you’re dealing with chronic pain or symptoms and you have a desire to heal yourself using mind-body tools, I have a little shopping list for you. These items will help you cut to the core of what’s behind your physical pain and will help you feel better. Maybe you’ve read Dr. John Sarno’s theories… Continue reading Your Mind-Body Shopping List: Heal Yourself for $5 (or less!)

Being Thankful for Vulvodynia and TMS – Say What?

It may sound surprising, but I’m actually grateful that I experienced chronic pain in the form of vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, and vulvar vestibulitis. I found my way to Dr. Sarno’s pain relief (TMS) work and created health by treating my symptoms like TMS (tension myositis syndrome). In that journey, I discovered me. I discovered my… Continue reading Being Thankful for Vulvodynia and TMS – Say What?