What Do You Want Today?

Pain is the ultimate waker-upper. There’s probably a real word for that, but I can’t think of it right now. Waker-upper works, because it’s actually pain’s job description. Whether it’s physical pain, emotional pain, or mental pain, it makes you sit up and take notice. Yeah, I know – what a seriously annoying alarm clock!… Continue reading What Do You Want Today?

Remembering What You Forgot

This weekend, I was feeling a little disconnected, stressed, and tense. My shoulders were inching up around my ears and clearly holding some kind of emotion. I knew it was time to walk my talk, so I mind-body coached myself. This experience reminded me that I haven’t written much about what I call mind-body maintenance.… Continue reading Remembering What You Forgot

Need Help?

I’ve developed the theory that to be relaxed, healthy, confident, and joyful adults we must rediscover our natural brilliance from toddler-hood. I’m lucky enough to have two nieces who are currently sharing their brilliance with me. The youngest, who is twenty months old, has been coaching me lately simply by being herself. She’s just getting… Continue reading Need Help?

Dealing with Loss and Change

In the Great School of Life, I just took a class on loss and change. No teacher is quite like life experience. I learned much from my recent journey through the grieving process, and I thought you might benefit from a few mind-body techniques and concepts around loss. If you’re like me and many of… Continue reading Dealing with Loss and Change

If I’m Not Doing More, I’m Not Doing Enough

This post was written by Ann Burrish, an Endorsed Healthy Life Mind-Body Coach. She can be reached for consults and coaching at ann.burrish@gmail.com. A smart and hardworking client who is a full-time student and almost full-time employee shared this thought recently. A cause of her angst? She took a nap after getting more done in… Continue reading If I’m Not Doing More, I’m Not Doing Enough

Don’t Force It

This post was written by Ann Burrish, an Endorsed Healthy Life Mind-Body Coach. She can be reached for consults and coaching at ann.burrish@gmail.com. Years ago I received this excellent advice from one of the wisest and most practical people I know. At the time I was attempting some version of trying to fit a square… Continue reading Don’t Force It

Allowing Anger

Anger gets a bad rap. For centuries, it was “unladylike” to feel it or express it. Then, it was all the rage (pun intended) to “express it” outwardly to those around you. In my opinion, there’s a happy medium between stuffing anger (holding inside your body) and dumping it out into other people’s space. Neither… Continue reading Allowing Anger

Food for Thought about Emotional Suppression

This post was written by Jen Greer, an Endorsed Healthy Life Mind-Body Coach.  She can be reached for consults and coaching at jennifer.greer@gmail.com. What comes to mind when you think about emotional suppression? Being a mind body coach trained by our very own Abigail Steidley and a long-time master at emotional suppression*, I’ve spent a… Continue reading Food for Thought about Emotional Suppression

Pain Relief Tool – Accessing the Body’s Messages

Since this mind-body tool is so visual, I thought I’d share it via video rather than words.  You can do these drawings with either your right or left hand, though using your left hand will sometimes facilitate the process.  (This is because it helps you access the right hemisphere of your brain, the holder of… Continue reading Pain Relief Tool – Accessing the Body’s Messages

Kicking off the Tour! A dream comes true…

I first met Jess Ryan because of what some might call coincidence, others might call synchronicity, and I call the answer to a prayer. As a mind-body coach, I wanted to take my work into a new realm; I wanted to combine mind-body coaching with yoga.  Yoga played a big role in my healing process,… Continue reading Kicking off the Tour! A dream comes true…