Being Thankful for Vulvodynia and TMS – Say What?

It may sound surprising, but I’m actually grateful that I experienced chronic pain in the form of vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, and vulvar vestibulitis. I found my way to Dr. Sarno’s pain relief (TMS) work and created health by treating my symptoms like TMS (tension myositis syndrome). In that journey, I discovered me. I discovered my… Continue reading Being Thankful for Vulvodynia and TMS – Say What?

Vulvodynia and Chronic Pelvic Pain – I Want My Life Back!

by Endorsed Anamsong Coach Lorraine Faehndrich If you’re suffering with vulvodynia or another chronic pelvic pain syndrome you are probably all too familiar with the frustration of having your day to day activities limited by your pain. Maybe, like many of the women I work with, your symptoms are aggravated by exercise, having sex, sitting… Continue reading Vulvodynia and Chronic Pelvic Pain – I Want My Life Back!

Healing TMS or Mind-Body Syndrome

In April of 2014, I moved from Wyoming to Colorado. With a toddler. (I feel like that statement is an important addendum to pretty much everything. I used the restroom – with a toddler. I cooked dinner – with a toddler.) Moving is probably my least favorite thing, ever. EVER. Moving is not only stressful,… Continue reading Healing TMS or Mind-Body Syndrome

It’s Not Selfish – It’s Essential

Many years ago (just how many is Top Secret), I was in my early twenties, struggling with a syndrome called Interstitial Cystitis. (Ok, fine. It was fifteen years ago. Gasp!) I had just been diagnosed, which involved undergoing a procedure that I still can’t even talk about without fainting from horror. I was basically in… Continue reading It’s Not Selfish – It’s Essential

The Power of The Mind-Body Connection: A Personal Story

By certified Martha Beck Life Coach, Torie Henderson “You want me to sit on wet tea bags, then air out my vagina?”  I respond to the ever-so-helpful advice nurse when I called to complain, for the third time, about my swollen labia.  “I live with four roommates.  I can’t walk around my house with my legs… Continue reading The Power of The Mind-Body Connection: A Personal Story

Worst Case Scenario

A Guest Post by Endorsed Mind-Body Coach Gail Kenny I used to spend much of my time worrying about the future and mulling over things that happened in the past.  Mind-body syndrome symptoms such as chronic pelvic pain, interstitial cystitis and vulvodynia are often the result of the body being in the fight, flight or… Continue reading Worst Case Scenario

The Art of Waiting

I will admit it. Patience is not exactly one of my strengths. According to the Kolbe Index  I’m a Quick Start. This just means that my tendency is to dive into things headfirst and get going, ASAP. I pretty much do everything this way. On the one hand, it does mean I get a lot… Continue reading The Art of Waiting

Want to Heal? Be a Hot Mess.

Right now, I have a group of coaches taking my Mind-Body Coach Training. They’ve been thrown into what I call The Mess as they experience the first part of the training. This just means that they are learning how to feel emotions, what to do with body tension and pain, and discovering that their minds… Continue reading Want to Heal? Be a Hot Mess.

Putting Mind-Body Healing to the Test

I think this blog post might be an ode to the mind-body healing process. I’ve been reflecting lately on how incredibly grateful I am to have learned what I’ve learned about my body, my emotions, and my inner wisdom. Ten years ago, I was in agony, suffering through each day, unable to live normally and… Continue reading Putting Mind-Body Healing to the Test

Letting the Journey be the Goal

To understand this blog post, you have to know that I have a thing for natural bodies of water. Whenever we were traveling during my childhood, I would veer off into rivers, lakes, ponds, or the ocean whenever possible. I love being in water, love feeling the river current, the ocean waves, the rocks and… Continue reading Letting the Journey be the Goal